
**Booth: Maybe he was having an affair.
Sweets: Or maybe she was just sick of kissing a guy with a beak. Hey, oh! Today's special: Chicken. Ironic. Right, yeah.
Booth: Everything okay there, Bones? I know when something is wrong with you.Something's wrong, all right? What can I do to help?
Bones: Angela and I had a fight.
Booth: Nothing I can do to help.
Bones: You want to hear about it?
Booth: No.
Sweets: Why not?
Booth: Why? Because her and Angela are best friends. And Bones is going to want me to take her side and agree that Angela was wrong. And then, you know, the two of them are gonna make up and then they're gonna be mad at me. So, no, thank you.
Sweets: That's very interesting. Mm-hmm.
Booth: You know, the way you say "very interesting" is very irritating. Listen, Bones, I would do anything for you. I'd die for you, I would kill for you, but I am not getting in between two best friends.
Bones: Okay. What were you saying, Sweets?
Sweets: Hmm? Oh, I've, uh, I've been considering the, uh, symbolism of this murder. Being tossed over a dam isn't very chickeny, you know? You'd think that the victim would show up in a rotisserie or a deep fryer or something.
Bones: I remember a month ago,a chicken restaurant chain reported human phalanges in some deep fried treats.
Booth: Kid bit into a thumb.
Sweets: Right, the mom hit a toe. It was, uh, Bock Box Chicken Hut.
Booth: Maybe the toe is our victim's.
Sweets: Totally poetic justice.
Bones: If you can get the body parts from those chicken treats to the Jeffersonian, we'll see if they match our victims.
Booth: Okay.
Bones: I'm going back to the lab. Send the fingers over when you get them.
Booth: Whoa, whoa, listen, Bones, everything is gonna be okay between you and Angela, all right? You two are like sisters.
Bones: I'm just not used to not getting along with people.
Sweets: Seriously? 'Cause it seems like...
Bones: Thanks, Booth.**

**Bones: Would I like one of those fruity drinks?
Booth: No. *Bones's looking at Angela* You know, he fooled me, I mean, I-I-I actually believed he was trying to save the victim.
Bones: He's a very good liar.
Booth: Now, Bones, I could tell when people are lying. I mean, I-I could tell before my whole... recto-cerebral infracture.
Bones: That's not a real medical condition.
Booth: Are you sure? Because that's what I'm feeling right now.
Bones: If it were real, it'd be pretty disgusting. Recto-cerebral...
Booth: I know, I'm losing it. Look, I just - I'm not up to speed here. I woke up this morning and I realized that I didn't even know if I like brown sugar on my oatmeal.
Bones: Well, next time call me. You like brown sugar on everything.
Booth: I'm the one who is supposed to know when people are lying. Who do I call up for that?
Bones: Sweets.
Booth: Sweets?
Bones: You said he's like a human lie detector test.
Booth: I don't like things at half speed, okay? I'm a full speed kind of a guy.
Bones: Well, even at half speed, you're twice as fast as anyone else.
Booth: You want to see the fastest draw in the west?
Bones: Sure.
Booth: You want to see it again? *laughing*
Bones: Sweets thinks that I should humor Angela.
Booth: Sweets is a bright kid.
Bones: But I want to know what you think. As a full-grown man of experience. I need to know what you think.
Booth: I think you should let her have this one. What are you doing? No, wait. Now? No, I didn't mean this second.
Bones: Angela's very happy.
Booth: I can see that.
Bones: You said that in a funny way. You noticed something. See? You still got it...
Booth: You're not going to ask me what I saw?
Bones: Do I want to know?
Booth: No. Do you want to know, anyway?
Bones: Nope. It can wait. I trust you.**
-Взято отсюда-
@темы: картинки, сериальное, ахи-вздохи, цитатник, Bones, фандомное
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