Hope is everything.
Title: Typecasting (The Dancing With Myself Remix)
Author: kappamaki33
Rating: PG-13 (discussion of violence and sexual innuendo)
Summary: Doc Cottle volunteers five of his patients for the pilot program of the Character Mentoring Project. Thus, five characters meet up with characters with whom they share a lot in common, including uncannily similar appearances.... Crack.
Fandoms: BSG/Dollhouse/Riese/Dances With Wolves/Bionic Woman/Firefly (plus appearances from Bones, Frasier, M*A*S*H*, Six Feet Under, Original-flavor Star Trek, and ST
S9 )
Characters: Doc Cottle, Helo-Paul Ballard, Gaeta-Garin, Roslin-Stands With a Fist, Kara-Sarah Corvus, Romo-Badger
И да, это просто вынесло мозг:
Chapter 4: Stands With an Airlock
А кому интересно, почитать всю прэлесть целиком можно >здесь<
Author: kappamaki33
Rating: PG-13 (discussion of violence and sexual innuendo)
Summary: Doc Cottle volunteers five of his patients for the pilot program of the Character Mentoring Project. Thus, five characters meet up with characters with whom they share a lot in common, including uncannily similar appearances.... Crack.
Fandoms: BSG/Dollhouse/Riese/Dances With Wolves/Bionic Woman/Firefly (plus appearances from Bones, Frasier, M*A*S*H*, Six Feet Under, Original-flavor Star Trek, and ST

Characters: Doc Cottle, Helo-Paul Ballard, Gaeta-Garin, Roslin-Stands With a Fist, Kara-Sarah Corvus, Romo-Badger
И да, это просто вынесло мозг:
Chapter 4: Stands With an Airlock

А кому интересно, почитать всю прэлесть целиком можно >здесь<
надо читануть как посвободней буду
да вапщееее