в одном из домиковских сообществ появился пикспамчик по моей обожаемой 1х07


"I see. Do keep me updated. And please ... take care of him."
"Mr. Dominic is exhibiting erratic behavior."
"He didn't take anything. There's no way Dom would consciously try and have fun."
"Exposure to a patient whether viral, or through touch, that spreads more slowly, but pretty soon that campus is gonna fill up with wacky time bombs."

"We need to know what it is."
"Yes, well, we will. When I figure it out."
"And reversing the effects, are you making any progress!?"
"I'm working! What are you doing? Besides being..."
"Being what?"
"Wait a minute..."
"Sarcastic? Unfeeling? British?"
"It's an animal."
"Noooo. The word."

"Still you have to admit, I am very British. I don't say hahhhrd ahhhhr's."
"You know what I like? Brown sauce. What's it made of? Science doesn't know!"
"It's made of brown."
"Brown. Mined from the earth by the hard scrabbled brown miners of North Brownerton."
"OH MY GOD. I find lentils completely incomprehensible."

"Which means our problems are huge and indomitable."
"Ohh, I could eat that word. Or a crisp. Do you have any crisps?"
"You haven't seen my drawer of inappropriate starches!?"
"Oh my God I'm having such a terrible day..."

“Say ‘HI!” from me!”

“Boyd. Did you find Echo?”
“It’s all right Ms. DeWitt. I’ve worked it out.”
“Worked out what? Is Echo contained?”
“Just listen.”

“We make choices. I’m well aware that there are forces beyond our control, but even in the face of those forces we make choices. And then we live with them. And then we die with them … I know why Echo went to Freemont.”
“To punish you.”
“To let Caroline punish me.”

“Are you ever going to shut up about her?”
“You said it didn’t affect them.”
“She’s not tripping, she’s glitching. She’s remembering.”
“There are three flowers in a vahse.”

“I don’t hear anything. She didn’t finish the trigger code. Probably right as rain.”
“Go check.”
“In every way. Go check.”

взяла только любимое, шипперское
всё целиком лежит ~здесь~
otp: ТоВитт,
Olivia Williams